The idea for this film was born as the sun came up on the rooftops of Buenos Aires. I'd been looking for something to make a film about and had always been fascinated by Hugh's story and the journey he'd been through, not only by horseback, but metaphorically speaking in life to get to where he is today.
My aim was to create a thought-provoking film encapsulating the struggles of life which people from all walks of life could relate to on some level.
With a long background working in television, but as a first-time Director, I put my heart and soul into this film and really want it to be the best it can possibly be. Your help with funding is absolutely invaluable as it will allow me to complete this film to industry standard and put it out there for the rest of the world to see. Particularly in the current circumstances, this story will give people hope to carry on when times are tough.